Senior Islamic Jihad terrorist arrested in Silat A-Hartiya

Senior Islamic Jihad terrorist arrested in Silat A-Hartiya


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    During a joint IDF, ISA and Border Police activity this morning, January 22, 2006, in the village of Silat A-Hartiya, northwest of Jenin, forces arrested Hassin Bahgat Anis Jaradat, 33, one of the leading figures of the Islamic Jihad terrorist infrastructure in northern Samaria.

    Jaradat was arrested in the 1990s for his activity in the Islamic Jihad terror organization. Following his release in 1996 he resumed his terror activity in the organization.

    The Islamic Jihad terror cell in the northern West Bank, of which Jaradat is one of the leading figures, executed five suicide bombing attacks in Israel during the year 2005, in which dozens of Israeli civilians were killed and hundreds were wounded:

    - Suicide bombing at the Stage Club in Tel Aviv in February 2005, in which five Israeli civilians were killed.
    - Suicide bombing at the Sharon Mall in Netanya in July 2005, in which five Israeli civilians were killed. 
    - Suicide bombing at the Hadera market in October 2005, in which six Israeli civilians were killed.
    - Suicide bombing at the Sharon Mall in Netanya in December 2005, in which five Israeli civilians were murdered.
    - Double suicide bombing at an IDF security checkpoint south of Tulkarm in December 2005 in which two suicide bombers on their way to carry out an attack inside Israel during the holiday season exploded the explosives concealed on their persons, killing an IDF officer, Lt. Ori Binamo.